Our very own Ferne Saltzman was the speaker at our January 11th meeting.  Once you read this story, Ferne is hoping that you will want to jump in and help spread the word to keep a child from falling into this horrific act! She can’t do it alone.
Here’s the stats on human trafficking:
  • Sex trafficking is the second worst crime.  The first being drugs.
  • 95% of the victims are girls ages 10 – 12 years old.  No joke!
  • 50,000,000 children in the world are subject to this every day around the world.
  • Where are these kids found by predators?  On SOCIAL MEDIA!
  • Once kidnapped, their life span is 7 years.
How can WE prevent this?  EDUCATION.
We need to educate parents to monitor their kids’ social media.
Let’s work together to spread the word.
Contact Ferne at Fernefoto@aol.com for more information.